Sunday, May 31, 2009

Dog-Eared Mommies

The four of us decided to start a blog to facilitate discussion among ourselves and readers about the books we have been reading. For the past three years, we four mommies and all our kids have been getting together once a week to share our lives with each other as well as learn and grow together in Christ. It has been challenging to meet with our kids running around and a lot of times it doesn't go as smoothly as we would like (picture trying to pray while two toddlers battle it out) but we are determined to make it work. There are many challenges and crisis that are thrown our way, illnesses keep us from meeting but we always try to stay in touch with what is happening and are always in prayer for one another. I personally believe that the evil one is pleased when we are unable to meet and when we don't get a chance to keep up with what we are reading. We've read a number of books that have challenged us in our faith, our spiritual growth, our marriage and in our mothering. We hope our readers will join us in discovering more about our savior and how our lives are to reflect him. Currently we are reading "Lies Women Believe" by Nancy Leigh Demoss.