O.k. this is my very first blog post EVER so bear with me. I am an accountant which means writing is not necessarily my strong point. :) We have just started a new book called Grace Based Parenting by Dr. Tim Kimmel and while I have not yet finished reading through Chapter 1 I already feel very inspired and hopeful about what we will be reading. In just a few short pages he has pointed out so many relevant and important facts about today's culture and its effect on the way we parent. Something that my husband and I have talked about frequently and that Dr. Kimmel points out is that our culture has all but erased the moral boundaries that used to make raising children much more clear cut. He says: "We also had excellent guidelines to live by - like the Ten Commandments. But after decades of culture chipping away at them, the Ten Commandments are no longer etched deeply in stone but written in pencil on a Post-it note. They are more like ten hints or suggestions that you can use when it's in your best interest to do so. Somewhere along the way, they've lost their authority in the average family's life. To too many of today's parents, it is no longer 'right and wrong' but what I feel is 'right and wrong' that rules the day." I could not agree more with this statement and it scares me to see this trend. I am really looking forward to what he has to say in the upcoming chapters about raising children who will be well equipped to "move into adulthood as vital members of the human race."
In my effort to keep my posts short I'll end now with a quote from this book that I find very powerful and exciting. In talking about becoming a parent he says "You've been handed a piece of history in advance - a gracious gift you will send to a time you will not see." Pretty awesome! :)